Session 1: Upper
A) Warmup:
- Optional Run, Bike or Row x 3 minutes
- 2-3 rounds:
- Banded Shoulder Extension x 10 reps
- Plank to Down dog x 10reps
B1) Push & Pull Super Set
- 3 Sets:
- Dumbbell Bench Press; 10-12reps (rest 30sec)
- Single-Arm Dumbbell Row; 6-8/arm (rest 60-90sec and back to 1)
B2) Pull & Core Super Set
- 3 Sets:
- Strict Pull Up; 4-6reps (rest 30sec)
- Ring Plank; 30-60sec unbroken (rest 60-90sec
and back to 1)
C) Conditioning
100m Dumbbell Farmers Carry
- Dumbbell Suitcase Walking Lunges
- Ring Rows
- Hanging Knee Tucks
100m Dumbbell Farmers Carry